Our objective is to build and enhance indigenous women and girls’ capacities using diverse strategies and approaches that are not in conflict with Indigenous cultural practices. Address traditional harmful practices that subjugate women position and roles in the society.

Our Belief: We believe in promoting rights, educating, recognizing and uplifting indigenous’ women and girls through collective voices.

Core Values

we are driven by a strong passion to promote the human rights, a sense of community development that entails personal sacrifice and volunteerism toward protection of indigenous women and girls from harmful cultural practices.

Patriarchy perpetuates systemic exclusion of indigenous women and girls from political, social and economic opportunities. We are empathetic to the plight of indigenous women and  girls and we are committed to their empowerment to speak up and assert their role as equal partners in the development of the society.

We strive to continuously foster creativity, safely use emerging technology and adopt new ways of doing things in the discharge of our mandate.

At the core of SWT vision is advancing the beauty of Africa and its culture More so the unique culture of the indigenous people through research, documentation and celebration. We are keen to transform to enhance equity, equality and non-discrimination.