The Indigenous Women Grassroots Gathering in Kenya

The Indigenous Women Grassroots Gathering in Kenya
May 21, 2024

In the heart of Northern Kenya, a vibrant tapestry of colors, sounds, and stories comes alive every year as indigenous women from pastoralists, hunter-gatherers, fisherfolk’s, women living with…
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April 8, 2024

Indigenous communities are located in highly marginalized areas with limited access to basic amenities such as police stations, hospitals, health centers, and psychological support services. These…
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Forging a Path to Sustainable Development: The Transformative Journey of IPAF’s 6th Cycle

Forging a Path to Sustainable Development: The Transformative Journey of IPAF’s 6th Cycle
April 4, 2024

At the core of sustainable development lies a nexus where indigenous rights, agricultural innovation, and community empowerment intersect. This convergence found its voice in a recent pivotal moment…
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Empowering Indigenous Women: Celebrating Heritage and Advocating for Change on International Women’s Day
March 25, 2024

International Women’s Day, observed annually on the 8th of March, holds profound significance as a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It also…
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Strengthening Women’s Access to Land rights and Governance                                      

March 11, 2024

Historically, women have been faced with significant barriers to accessing and owning land, as well as holding leadership positions in relation to land and natural resources. Indigenous women often…
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Advocating for Change: Combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Upholding Human Rights

Advocating for Change: Combating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Upholding Human Rights
January 12, 2024

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a deeply entrenched cultural practice that violates the fundamental human rights of girls and women. This harmful traditional ritual involves the partial or complete…
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The Effect of Malnutrition on Marginalized Communities

The Effect of Malnutrition on Marginalized Communities
December 23, 2023

Malnutrition is a health issue that significantly impacts vulnerable populations. The things that you do on a daily basis, such as where you live and work, might affect your general health and…
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Press Statement on Forced Ogiek community evictions

Press Statement on Forced Ogiek community evictions
November 10, 2023

Indigenous Women Council (IWC) is a national women movement with more than 60 members organizations in29 counties, mostly arid and semi-arid lands. The membership includes diverse community leaders…
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Breaking the Chains of Silence: The Battle Against Female Genital Mutilation

Breaking the Chains of Silence: The Battle Against Female Genital Mutilation
August 11, 2023

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a barbaric practice that is deeply ingrained in various communities all over the world. This long-standing custom has caused countless women and girls tremendous…
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The Indigenous Women Grassroots Gathering in Kenya

In the heart of Northern Kenya, a vibrant tapestry of colors, sounds, and stories comes alive every…


Indigenous communities are located in highly marginalized areas with limited access to basic…

Forging a Path to Sustainable Development: The Transformative Journey of IPAF’s 6th Cycle

At the core of sustainable development lies a nexus where indigenous rights, agricultural…

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